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  • Writer's pictureRae

your own event horizon

Updated: Aug 25, 2022

Jenni died today.

It was inevitable, but despite the fact that I haven't seen her in ages, it's still sobering to think that a girl like that, beautiful and happy with three kids and a great partner, who pushed herself back up to her feet after numerous personal setbacks, gets cervical cancer and bites it. She's only a year or so younger then me. Doesn't really give one hope or faith in the future. I'm glad her suffering is done, but it's still a fucking shame. Jenni and I came up together because her Mom and my Mom were good friends. We went to camp together. We went on family vacations to Mississippi together. Mom and Mrs. Debbie worked at my Meemaw's office, so during the summer months, Mrs. Debbie would bring Jenni to the office and we'd play all day. Their supply closet was our 'office'. Sometimes on weekends, Mom would bring Autum and myself out to Raceland, where Mrs. Debbie, Jenni, and Mr. Mike lived in a massive house in the middle of the country. I loved going over to that house. They had a pool, and her Dad had a boat that we played in and pretended it was our house. We dug in ditches and played dress up. I made fun of her accent, which was country (her family hailed from MS) but I always found it cute. When I think of my childhood, Jenni always comes to mind, and mostly because she was the one female friend I have that I didn't have trouble with. We had our fights, as little girls do, of course, but it was never toxic like it was with Scarlett. As we got older, we drifted to opposite ends of the social spectrum, and we didn't go to the same school, so distance got in the way. There was also some static due to a work situation between our mothers and my Meemaw, so quite some time passed before we saw each other again. She was a preppy prep, and I was...well, you know how I was. The last time I can remember seeing Jenni was 2002, though my journal tells me I saw her a few years later, though I can't recall the specifics.. They had a party in Raceland and I was balls deep in my relationship with Tyler, which meant I was dipping my toe into the goth pool. All of her preppy friends were there and I stuck out like a sore thumb, with my green hair and spike necklace, but Jenny still put her arm around me and smiled. She wasn't stuck up. She was always a sweet girl.

I do want to go to the service and pay my respects. I hope it's possible. I have not seen her parents in years, but I can't imagine how much they must be hurting. Jenni was their only child. I can't imagine. I really can't. One of the reasons I'm not having children is because of that, right there. You never know what's coming for you. Cancer, especially.

This past weekend was pretty goddamn good.

On Friday, Scott and Bryan were coming over because we had Cody's party on Saturday night. I was getting ready to get off of work when Brit calls and asks do we want to go out to eat at Olive Garden before she goes to work. Scott is always down for OG, so he says yeah, but that we have to go back to Luling after we eat to get Bryan, who doesn't get off till 8. I was tired of being at home, so I got dressed and went over to the Dragon's Den. Sidney was already there. He was good enough to make me raspberry lambic brownies (holy fucking shit they were good, too) so we hung out over there until 7:30 and then went to OG. Food was good. Squid was good. Alfredo good. Had a gay old time. Scott and I said goodnight and then went to Luling to get Bryan, then to Luling Walmart (ugh) to get snacks. Came back. Tired.

Woke up Saturday. Bryan was going to try to make Liz's infamous dip, so we went to Robert's, Rouses, and Walmart. Saw Angie at Rouses. Bryan got a lemon Chantilly cake (so good) and Scott got a lemon doberge. The fattttt was overwhelming. We couldn't fit everything in my fridge. Dicked around for awhile. Sidney came over, since he was riding with us to Cody's. Bryan made the dip, which Scott nearly had a cow over. Got dressed. Packed car. Weeee, off we go to Luling.

I haven't been to Cody's house since before COVID. His house got wrecked in Ida and he just finished with the renovation, which turned out amazing. Cody and Sidney had never met each other, so after introductions and goggling about how much food we had (we had so much fucking food) people started pouring in. Ju was already there when we walked in. Derek and Glenn appeared. Tory, Molly, Hava and Kailey showed up. Patrick came in out of nowhere. Sam and Stacie actually came, together! Derek C poofed into the scene, always with a bag of games. Brittany, unfortunately, had to work, because a coworker got COVID. Ahri and Sean showed up, which was awesome, and when Connor and LINA came through the door, it was officially momentous. It was truly like old times. My camera was in heaven.

We ate and bullshitted and Sam kept sneaking corn chips into Julian and Bryan's pockets. Tits got flashed. Shots were taken. Games were played. All in all, hell of a good party. We left about 11:30, stopped in St. Rose for hydration, then dropped off Sidney and went to bed.

On Sunday, we got up and went to District for breakfast, where we got strawberry cheesecake donuts. Went to Ochsner Fitness (Bryan's first time) and went swimming for awhile, I miss that place. We swam indoor for awhile and then went outside, but there had been bad weather so they kept everyone out of the pool for a bit. By the time we got in, I was getting hangry. We left there, went to World Market so Bryan could get some treats, then went to Walk Ons, where I got my grown up grilled cheese. Came back here, relaxed, did my pictures.

Excellent weekend, all in all. Brought Bryan back home yesterday after work. Scott left last night. Combating stomach issues again. I did manage to figure out why my new script was $500, Walmart had a damn discount card on it, when they took it off, it was $35, so I went and got it at lunch. It works, but fuck I'm tired of my stomach being an asshole all the time.

This weekend is another big one. Going to bring Jack to Sid's on Friday night because I will be out of the house most of the weekend. On Saturday I have to get stuff ready for Riley's party, then on Saturday we have Molly and Hava's housewarming in Luling, and then on Sunday, it's Riley's big party at Ashton Plantation. I ordered a ST shirt but if it doesn't come in, I'll be pissed, because you can't find any ST clothes anywhere right now. On Tuesday I have my thyroid ultrasound. I have to buy Brad and Liz's baby shower gift soon.

Upcoming: Baby shower on 8/21, hopefully the curse doesn't visit us, and then Power Of One on 9/9, then Beignet Fest on the 24th, and then White Sands on 10/1. Work going well. Before this weekend I was a writing fool but managing my stupid stomach takes up all my energy and my time. There were times when I reread my shit and I was like "Damn, I got some chops" and then I made the mistake of rereading Suanne Laqueur and I got all insecure again. Not her fault, I just need to find confidence in the fact that I should be happy that I write like me and she writes like her and it doesn't mean I suck in comparison. I mean, it's not like I'm releasing this shit out to the public.

I need to get my pictures done, but after sitting here all day at work, I don't feel like doing it at night.

More later, when other things happen.


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