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  • Writer's pictureRae

Take it to the limit...

Updated: Aug 25, 2022

Haven't really written but I suppose I will so that I don't forget things.

This past weekend Scott picked up Bryan on Friday and they came over to sleep because Brad and Liz's Engagement/Brad's Birthday/Congrats for the Baby! party was on Sunday. I ate the rest of my lamb and the boys ate their Subway while Scott watched S4E8 of Stranger Things. I was once again having a serious hard on for Murky Waters (despite having gone with Sid two weekends before) so we got up early on Saturday and made for Gulfport. We got there right when it opened and it was as delicious as ever. If a fucking hurricane wipes that place out, I'm going to kick someone's ass. We went to Play&Talk where I discovered the deliciousness of raspberry gummies and then Bryan and I went to Bath & Body Works, where I bought some blueberry pancake body wash (yes, it smells incredible, I now smell like an IHOP when I bathe) and then we got on the road back home. Bryan wanted his onion cheese (god I miss that stuff) so we went to Trader Joes, then to Total Wine, where they finally had lambic, so I got two bottles of that, then we came back to my place. Laid around until it was time to eat and Scott watched the final episode of Stranger Things.

On Sunday, we laid around until we needed to go to the store to get the stuff to make Bryan's oooey-gooey cake, but first Scott wanted to to +1 Gaming to get some game he wanted, after that we were hungry so we went to Walk Ons, where I got some boom boom and a delicious prime rib sandwich, though I kinda wish I would have gotten a grown up grilled cheese. From there we went to Walmart and then came back here. We were tired after all that food (fatttt) so we laid down for a while. Bryan made his cake, and then we went over to Brad's, where Ju, Brit, and Derek were waiting. Liz made her amazing dip, Brit brought Mac and cheese and there were also meatballs and a very strange birthday cake. They all played games while I watched and read. I went to go get Jack and hung around until it was time to go home. Sacked out.

The boys went home on Monday afternoon and I read a lot and drank my lambic (god that shit is so good) and finally went grocery shopping yesterday. I found out via another fan on Suann Laqueur's FB group that there is another Fish Tales book, a secret one, and Suann Laqueur herself emailed it to me. I made a plate of snacks and dove headfirst into it. It was KINKY. AS. FUCK. Delicious. So utterly delicious, in fact, that I kept blushing. Scenes I wish she would have wrote in the original story were actually there. It was like Christmas. I guess that got me in a writing kind of mood because I wrote until almost 3AM, when I found a cricket in my room and lost it and had to sleep in the living room (which was not comfortable) and now I'm at work and want to do nothing more than to sleep, but I also want to write.

Lots of things coming down the pike-Riley's little birthday celebration on Monday (have to go to Gamestop this weekend) and then Cody's party next weekend, and then Molly's housewarming the following Saturday, and the next day is Riley's big birthday party at Ashton. Ultrasound on Sid's birthday (not pregnant, it's for my thyroid) and then Liz's baby shower on 8/21. I'm excited, though tired at the thought of all of that. I hope my stomach cooperates.

I am so ready for summer to be over.

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