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  • Writer's pictureRae

It's been awhile

Updated: Mar 21, 2022

Goodness, almost a whole month since I've written.

Most of it has been the same. Work. Weekend cooking experiments. Last weekend, Adam threw an HCC Mardi Gras Potluck. Among those in attendance were myself, Scott, Bryan, Stacie, Derek, Brit, Sidney, Zach, Holly, Derek, Glenn, Derek's bro Ian who came down from Kansas, Autum, Julian, Amanda, Michelle, Maddie, Adam, and various other family members and friends. Earlier that day, Bryan and I picked up Sidney from the hotel and got Autum and went to town for potluck. I was making my Mac and cheese and Bryan was too, but he was making it with different ingredients. First we went to DBC and got daiquiris, then Trader Joes, where we totally fucked up the cheese section (Bryan found this onion cheese that we are all addicted to) then to Fleurty Girl, where I got some more Mardi Gras stuff (bought Autum a matching t-shirt) then to Golden City, where he got Ramen and I got some udon and fudge Pocky, then to the holy grail of TOTAL WINE where I got some peanut butter whiskey, then we brought Sidney back to the hotel and Autum back home so we could start cooking. The night before (Friday) I had made my Mac and cheese but it didn't come out as good as I wanted to (it was a lot of overpowering cheese) so I stopped at Walmart (Saturday) and got an empty saltshaker and re-seasoned it, it was pretty good. While Bryan made his Mac and cheese I cleaned up around the apartment. The whole thing smelled like carmelized onions, it smelled soooo good. After awhile I started getting ready for parade and then went and got Autum and brought her back to apartment. We finished getting ready and Scott came back, we loaded up the car (Bryan had also made two kinds of cookies) and went to Adam's, dropped off food, said hey, then went to the spot, which Brit and Derek had been holding for hours. We had a really good time. Guess who showed up? Fucking Cole. Crazy bastard. Autum and Ju were getting quite close and Brittany and Derek kept making out and we kept yelling at all of them. It got real when the floats started playing "Lose It" by Eminem. I didn't get fucked up but I got a bit tipsy. We stuck around for awhile and then trudged our old asses back to Adam's apartment, where we all stuffed ourselves with brisket, Mac and cheese, and potato salad. Sidney made his infamous brownies, which were amazeballs. Sang Happy Birthday to Derek and Ian's Mom and cut a king cake for her. Went back home. Passed out.

Unfortunately, from Sunday on until today, I've been sick with severe stomach issues, so I've essentially wasted my entire week off, which I'm pissed off about. Luckily, Scott was awesome enough to clean up my apartment for me, thank God he did because it was bad. I barely even spoke in chat, I felt so bad. I've got a lot of things to catch up on, but I've been mostly trying to clean up. Jack just got cut (thank God Sid was able to bring him) and I don't have the energy to put him in his cage, so I've been doing Target pick up and taking him with me. I really want to do some pictures but it's very hard to focus.

Brit and Derek want to try to do another thing for Mardi Gras in the same spot this coming Tuesday for Mardi Gras Day, so I created an event. Not sure how it's gonna work out. Right now I'm just trying to make it through the weekend without getting sick again.

Anyway, hope it won't take me another month to write.


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