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  • Writer's pictureRae

Goodbye 2021

Updated: Mar 6, 2022


It's been...a lot.

After the weekend of endless engagements, we plunged headfirst into Christmas. Scott bought everyone tickets to go see the Matrix Resurrections on Wednesday night, so we suited up and headed to Clearview for that. Met his uncle and grandma, who were waiting. Everyone else didn't come till the last minute, everyone else meaning Brittany, Derek, Kurry (shocker) and Sam. The movie left much to be desired, I was bored as fuck. Everyone else pretty much agreed. After the movie, Kurry, Scott, Brittany, Derek and I went to the Swamp Room. It was okay, not really a place I'd go back to, it was just what was open.

Christmas was fun. We went to the Brick Oven on Xmas Eve (the Rat Pack, Nanny, Dav, and myself) and it was pretty good. After we had to do fucking parking algebra so we could get everyone up here without anyone getting towed, Mom and Dav had to park around the corner, but it worked out. Dav was my Secret Santa and I was hers. I got some Schitts Creek Funkopops, fuzzy socks, a really cool 3D printed skull cup. Mom got me some cool skeleton shotglasses/whiskey glasses. Dad gave me $$ (which I bought my desk with) and a good time was had by all. Riley liked the stuff I gave for him. They didn't stay long over here. Brought them back to their cars. Came back, crashed out.

Woke up Christmas morning, got dressed, went to Mom and Dad's first. Mom rode with me cause Dad was in a mood. Got to Aunt Cathy and Uncle Bob's. Food was good, gumbo was super good. Got a makeup bag and some gift cards. Hung out on the back porch with everyone for awhile until Scott called me saying he was ready for me to come over. Drove to Bayou Gauche. Scott got me an awesome limited edition Chewbacca figure, a cute as shit 'This is Fine' figurine, and an Aurora projector, which is the tits. Hung out over there until it was time to come home and release Jack from his prison.

Work has been...a trial. That's all I'm going to say. The other day we had to meet a quota that had me in tears. I can't stand BCBS OOS. It's now time for the busiest time of the year for us and I am working all weekend as well as ten extra hours next week. Next weekend is comic con, if they don't cancel it (very worried that they are, what with all the Omicron).

On Monday after work, Scott, Brad and Liz and I went to a few gaming stores and they dropped me off after, I took a shower and then went back over while Liz played South Park and Brad and Scott played Magic, I fucked around with Amazon Photos.

Scott put together my new desk, which is amazing and looks great and it feels so good to be working on a regular monitor again. I also treated myself to a new camera-a Rebel T7. This thing is the tits. Today I was off from work so I woke up, cleaned up, showered, and went to Nanny's to get Mom (who broke her arm last week falling off the RV steps) so we could go to her house and take pictures for the insurance adjustors. Stopped at Sonic on way back in, brought Mom back to Nanny's, then went to Target and came back home.

Betty White died today. All in all, not a great way to end a year.

Here's to hoping that 2022 is not a total fucking mindfuck, I'm done with all this crap. It definitely wasn't as surreal as 2020, but it wasn't exactly candy and popcorn either, what with the storm and the Sunlake shit and now all this Omicron.

I am not ready for this work week.

Until next year (yes I just said that)


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