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  • Writer's pictureRae

Everything in its place

Updated: Aug 18, 2022

Here I am, whooptee doo and hallelujah.

Nothing much to report. Mom slept over here Saturday night because she was hell-bent on helping me clean out my closet (A task I've been putting off for the better part of a year or so) and right when she left her house, Autum texted me and said she wanted to come swimming, so rather then dicking around with the parking pass, I ran over there and got her and Riley. Riley wasn't feeling too hot and they didn't even stay at the pool because he didn't feel like swimming (this means he REALLY felt bad) so Mom and I started on my closet and David came and got the two of them. It wasn't as bad as I thought, and it looks really good now. I have a fuckton of laundry to do, but I'm gonna do that at night so it doesn't run up my Entergy bill anymore then it is. I am fucking tired of this heat. After we finished with my closet we watched some TV until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. Mom didn't get up until 2:30PM on Sunday and then we went to Five Below and bought some stuff (she had never been) and then I came home.

Work sucks. This payor assignment shit is horrible and nobody wants to speak up because nobody wants to rock the boat or else they got an assignment that's working for them (just wait until September when it rotates and they get a bum deal) and I can't make quota and it's driving me insane. The payor I have is currently backlogged so no matter how much I send off, I barely get anything back. Yesterday we had a quick huddle to decide if we really wanted to do this and people were still zip mouthed.

I haven't gone to the pool on my own in awhile so after work yesterday I got my stuff together and went down there to read a book and listen to some music and drink. It was okay, but I didn't realize how drunk I was until I got up here and started cooking. Out of nowhere, Tee calls me. We had a nice little talk until my phone lost battery. I took a bath and then laid down and promptly passed out until 2AM with a shit-ass hangover. I feel okay now but bleghhh it was rough.

I need to get back to my projects and get over this maudlin shit. I was reading my old blog and I mentioned in there that a lot of my photos were on floppy disks, so I thought maybe Mom & Dad had some that I could steal. I'd have to buy a A drive but I figured I'd just buy one, test my floppies, and then return the A drive to Amazon. Mom said they don't have any more floppies, but I am going to double check when I go over there. I gave Sid back his old laptop so I don't have any way of getting stuff off of discs right now, so I either have to go to Luling or buckle down and buy another external CD drive which will hopefully work. I finally managed to break into one of my Photobucket accounts and got some stuff out of there, and when I cleaned out my closet I found the disc that I accidentally fucked up with some really old rare pics on it. I don't have any hope that it will read, but I will try. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I could kick younger Rae's ass for being so goddamn careless about this stuff. It pisses me off SO bad.

In good news I found out that I can circumvent Apple's useless excuse for a photo slideshow and use Amazon's Photos app on my TV. The downside to this is that Amazon saves EVERYTHING. Which means a very risqué picture of me popped up on the TV when my Mom was here. Yeesh. Must fix this.

Still kinda going through my sadness about time and what it's doing to my friendships, but it's gotten better to the point where I can actually look at photos again. If I was still talking to my therapist, she'd tell me that if I wanted to see my friends, I have to reach out, but I've been doing the reaching out and the event planning for wayyyy too long. It got to be too frustrating and between the two, I have to say I'd rather be lonely than keep having to deal with people flaking, and I don't give a shit how pathetic that sounds. It's a massive Catch 22-I want to hang with my friends but I can't bring myself to reach out but if I don't, who knows what will happen? I did check up on a few of them and try to get something to happen. We will see. I feel like a total fucking idiot whenever I post in chat or even on Facebook lately, but I go through that from time to time. I sound pretty pathetic and depressed, I know, but I'm at that point where I have to either deal with it or shut the fuck up, pull up my bootstraps, and get on with my shit. The latter option seems better to me.

They canceled Beignet Fest so I'm disappointed about that, I figured it was going to happen. At least they refunded me. Next thing up is my birthday and I don't know what I'm doing or if I want to do anything at all. I ordered my dress for Megan's wedding. Hopefully it fits and looks halfway decent. Have to dye my hair soon, too.

This has been an incredibly boring entry, so I'll fuck off now.


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